The other day I was talking to a friend of mine who was questioning the LDS church. He said something that was so beautifully worded that I wish I could remember it to the dot. It went something like this:

"I'd like to compare religion to the sunglasses shop I worked at. I enjoyed learning about all the different types of sunglasses. I liked telling other people about them when they'd ask. But I'm not going to shove them in their face and MAKE them buy them."

What an incredible comparison. People tend to think that since I don't believe in God, I automatically hate every religion. That's not true. Religion doesn't work for me specifically, but if it makes you happy, and you're going to be a good person, then please continue to do what makes you happy.

I believe that everybody deserves happiness.

Including myself. I love sharing my story about my discoveries through leaving religion (hence why I have this blog), but I'm not trying to force my opinion upon anyone. If we could all focus on sharing instead of persuading, I think we'd all get along much better. So to the religious folk who read this: Thank you for reading somebody's opinion that is much different than yours. That is very open-minded of you. That is, afterall, what this blog is all about.

I was taught over and over again in church that those without God are extremely unhappy.


I was told those people don't have strong relationships.


I was also told that Atheists can't find purpose or meaning in life.


It has taken me a long time (what feels like decades) to realize that I am in charge of my own life. There isn't a plan set out for me. How could there be? We are living on a planet that is TINY compared to what's out there. We are in charge of our own destiny. 

Coming to this realization hasn't been an easy thing, though. Those who say leaving a religion is the "easy way out" have not gone through the experience. It is the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. But you know what?

I'm NOT extremely unhappy. (I'm actually doing quite awesome.)


I have strong relationships.


Also, I'm coming to find purpose and meaning in my OWN life.. Every. Single. Day.


You wanna know the main thing that amazes me since ditching Mormonism though? I have so much


for people. It's almost like I acquired this sixth sense. I don't look AT a person anymore, I look inside them. That's something I never learned at church.
“The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” - Carl Sagan

When I was a kid, I was promised that I would be with my family forever. Sounds great, right? But there were exceptions. I had to make sure I followed these certain "rules". If I didn't do this and this, but accidentally did this, but repented, and made sure I followed this, then I would be in the top kingdom. If I screwed up, I'd get placed in a lower kingdom.

I called bull shit.

Although the thought of an afterlife sounds amazing, I can't make myself believe that a loving God would separate people like that in heaven. Death has been a rough topic for me since becoming Atheist. I love my family more than anything, and I've been so lucky to have a family that loves me and accepts me for who I am. I want to be with them forever, but I'm not going to comfort myself with something that might not be true.

But.. just like a Mormon can't logically say that they KNOW there is a God, an Atheist can't say that they KNOW there isn't a God. So after a rollercoaster of spiraling events this week, I finally thought of something comforting that wasn't a lie:

Nobody knows what will happen when we die. So why do we bother worrying about it? All we can do is make the most of ourselves while we're alive. BAM. That's that.
It was a Sunday. Three years ago. I woke up, got ready for church, and mindlessly sat through hours of preaching. I read words from a book that was written by somebody I knew nothing about. I didn't question anything.

It was a Sunday. One year ago. I said the most heartfelt prayer I've ever said in my life. I was promised I would get an answer if only I kept praying. No answer. Just confusion and guilt for not being able to feel what I was supposed to feel. 

It was a Sunday. Today. I woke up, listened to some music that made me feel good, spent hours volunteering at an animal sanctuary, and had a lovely time with my family. No prayers, no guilt. Without religion, I am now able to have Spiritual Sundays. 

I feel good.

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