
I was taught over and over again in church that those without God are extremely unhappy.


I was told those people don't have strong relationships.


I was also told that Atheists can't find purpose or meaning in life.


It has taken me a long time (what feels like decades) to realize that I am in charge of my own life. There isn't a plan set out for me. How could there be? We are living on a planet that is TINY compared to what's out there. We are in charge of our own destiny. 

Coming to this realization hasn't been an easy thing, though. Those who say leaving a religion is the "easy way out" have not gone through the experience. It is the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. But you know what?

I'm NOT extremely unhappy. (I'm actually doing quite awesome.)


I have strong relationships.


Also, I'm coming to find purpose and meaning in my OWN life.. Every. Single. Day.


You wanna know the main thing that amazes me since ditching Mormonism though? I have so much


for people. It's almost like I acquired this sixth sense. I don't look AT a person anymore, I look inside them. That's something I never learned at church.


  1. Adri this is beautiful. You are an amazing writer. Love you :)

  2. It's great that you were able to find yourself, even though it took leaving the church. However, as I'm sure you agree, people don't like to be misrepresented. I have no problem with people disagreeing or bashing the church. But if you are to do that, at least get the facts right. Just because a member of the LDS church said something does not make it church doctrine. The church does not believe that people without God are unhappy, that's ridiculous. A belief in God doesn't bring happiness. It is definitely not church doctrine that those people don't have strong relationships. Temporal perhaps, but not weak. Additionally, it isn't church doctrine that people without God can't find meaning to life. Again, that's just ridiculous. However, without a God there is not an overarching meaning of life for all of humanity. Merely individuals with different goals, likes/dislikes. I'm sorry some members of the church gave you an incorrect view of what we believe. Sorry for the long comment.

    1. Thanks for the comment! I know that it isn't church doctrine or anything, but around here that's what most LDS folk think of Atheism. There are lovely Mormons out there, though.
      I'd have to disagree a little bit with your statement about there not being an overarching meaning of life without God. If you're talking about a purpose of being here in the first place, that's agreeable. Nobody knows why we're here. Everybody on this planet can create their own meaning though. The purpose of life to me is to grow, think, evolve, and explore everything I possibly can to make the future a better place.


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