Spiritual Sunday

It was a Sunday. Three years ago. I woke up, got ready for church, and mindlessly sat through hours of preaching. I read words from a book that was written by somebody I knew nothing about. I didn't question anything.

It was a Sunday. One year ago. I said the most heartfelt prayer I've ever said in my life. I was promised I would get an answer if only I kept praying. No answer. Just confusion and guilt for not being able to feel what I was supposed to feel. 

It was a Sunday. Today. I woke up, listened to some music that made me feel good, spent hours volunteering at an animal sanctuary, and had a lovely time with my family. No prayers, no guilt. Without religion, I am now able to have Spiritual Sundays. 

I feel good.


  1. Hey adri (I dont know if you remember me but we went to school together in spanish) This is awesome, its an awesome feeling when you stop goin to church and find true happiness and a guilt free life. when everyone here says you can only find it by going to church, not true haha welcome to the "dark" side :)

  2. It was always easy for me to feel the spirit, or what I assumed was the spirit. It wasnt until after my mission that I started to realize that my feelings weren't particularly discriminating: they testified of the truth of mutually contradictory things! That's what eventually pushed me away.

    1. That is such a good point. I guess I have been able to "make" myself feel things.. MAKE myself agree with certain teachings. The brain is a crazy thing that can create illusions.

  3. Sundays definitely went from least-favorite to most-favorite day after I freed myself of the LDS church!


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