Me VS Mormonism

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You were put here on this earth as part of God's plan.
I cannot bring myself to believe that I was put here on this planet, like a puzzle piece, with a plan set out for me. There is more to this universe than Earth. What about the collapsing stars that made it possible for us to even be here? I couldn't be here without those dying stars and evolution.
There are three kingdoms in heaven. You will be split up (even with your family) depending on how good you were.
Is this heaven or a talent show? I have the common sense of what's right and what's wrong. (from moral evolution, not church). I don't push people down stairs or call them mean names. I'm very accepting of people who are accepting of others. But since I deny the Holy Ghost and don't believe in this church, I can't be in the top kingdom. Instead I get to be in a lower kingdom where others can come visit me, but I can't go visit them. This blows.
No tattoos. No double piercings.
Why? That tatted/pierced dude is way nicer than that return missionary. Your outward appearance isn't your life.
Being gay is a sin. It's the Devil working really hard to tempt you.
Wanting chocolate while you're on a diet is a temptation, surely not from the Devil.. but from what your body wants. Can we really compare that to homosexuals? No. Don't tell people who they can and cannot love.

It's about time we stop telling other people how to live. Your version of a good person doesn't match up with mine.


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